Brian's League Links

(Leagues I'm In)

Brian's Yahoo Group Links

Welcome to Brian's APBA Baseball for Windows

APBA BBW Baseball for Windows Blair Country Stadium Altoona Sunset ball park stadium backdrop

This page is a personal portal for links to APBA Baseball for Windows. However, its ok for other people to jump on here and use it as needed. A lot of the APBA BBW resources that I use, I know that others will too. So feel free to stop by here and link to where ever you need to go. Go to the comment page if you'd like to contact me about anything.
There's alot of cool stuff out there that have been developed as freeware to help support many different interest in the game. Some people makes player disks, some make parks, some contribute schedules, some create micromanagers and some create parks. Its a wonderful community of "good APBA BBW citizens that make up the fans of the game. Many of us participate in leaugues and many of participate on a more individual basis and replay seasons. Some of us even make up leagues and create teams all of our own.

Parks Project

January 10, 2010

In the Parks link, you'll find my Minor League Parks Project containing over 30 minor league baseball park backdrops for the APBA Baseball for Windows Game. This is a project of mine to create and distribute parks for the fans of the game for free use. The pics used as backdrops were generally taken my me, but I've also found a few, and had some set to me at a special request to be created.

  • BBW Minor League Parks

  • Minor League Parks Yahoo Group
  • The Outlaws League

    January 10, 2010

    The Outlaws Leauge is an APBA BBW League that I'm the commissioner of. Its a great group of 16 guys and we've had the same set of managers for 4 years in a row now. That's pretty cool. They've done a great job of putting up with me as their league dictator for 6 years as we enter the 2010 season. My Team is the Chicago Capones. I've been fortunately enough to win one World Series in that league. The site that is linked to is not my site. Dave Smith is the webmaster for that one. The League's greatest conscentration of managers is in Califofnia.

  • Outlaws League

  • Outlaws League Yahoo Group
  • North American Baseball Conference (NABC)

    January 10, 2010

    The North American Baseball Conference is a league that's been around for awhile. In fact, I joined this league originally back in the late 70s when it was a card and dice league. I was in the league for a number of years, then left when I went back to college. I was out of the league for over 20 years, but ran across a league opening posted on the APBA yahoo group by the same guy that was the commissioner back in the day was I was originally in the league. The league is based in the Detroit area.

  • NABC
  • The Ultimate Baseball League Using a Silly Acronym (TUBLUSA)

    January 10, 2010

    The Ultimate Baseball League Using a Silly Acronym is a leauge that I've just been in a couple of years. Its an AIM league and is primarily internet based. No strong geographic identity. Like many of the AIM league, it seems to be composed of a lot of managers that you'll find in many of the other AIM leagues.

  • The Ohio Valley Computer League (OVCL)

    January 10, 2010

    The Ohio Valley Computer League is a non-AIM league with some different features like drafting minor leaguers and cutting pre-season rosters to 23. I've been in this league since about 2002. I've done well in this league. I've won 2 World Series titles, and have 5 appearances in the World Series all together. My team is the West Penn Rockets, originally the Park Forest Rockets before I moved from the Windy City area. There is a yahoo group site.

  • OVCL Yahoo Group
  • The Roger Lawson Memorial League (RLML)

    January 11, 2010

    The Roger Lawson Memorial League is a 24 team AIM league, run primarily on the internet with not specific geographic flavor. I've been in this league since 2001. I won the World Series in the league's first season in 2001. The team competed in the playoffs for the first several years. However, the team got old and has been retooled over the past few years. With the onset of 2010 the team looks ready to move into a competition stage once more. There is no website for the league, but it does have a yahoo group.

  • RLML Yahoo Group
  • The Bud Lite Contraction League (BLCL)

    January 11, 2010

    The Bud Lite Contraction League is an AIM league, run primarily on the internet with not specific geographic flavor. I am the Detroit Tigers. You get to keep the rookies from the team each season, but its a tough league to build because its hard to do prospecting. I've been dismal in this league, but the future is beginning to look a bit brighter. There is no website for the league, but it does have a yahoo group.

  • BLCL Yahoo Group